Radiology report or treatment in MijnRadboud

When the procedure or treatment is finished, the radiologist will assess the images. Sometimes this happens the same day, sometimes a few days later. He or she will write a report and send it to your attending physician, who will read it carefully. Your physician will use the report and any other relevant examinations to reach a conclusion. You can review your radiology report (without images) in MijnRadboud. The report will be available seven days after the radiologist submits it. In MijnRadboud, click on the tab ‘MijnDossier’ (My File) and then on ‘Uitslagen’ (Results) to see your report. Your physician will discuss the results of this report with you during your next appointment.

As there may be some time between carrying out the procedure and drafting the report, we cannot guarantee that the results will be available in MijnRadboud seven days after your procedure. It takes seven days plus the time the radiologist needs to draft the report. 

Scientific study

If your procedure is being carried out as part of a scientific study, the results will not be published in MijnRadboud.
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