26 June 2019

PhD candidates and postdocs from all branches of the life sciences are invited to participate in the one-week Lorentz workshop Life Sciences with Industry 2019 in Leiden: 11-15 November 2019. During the workshop, 24 participants will tackle four scientifically challenging and commercially important problems formulated by the following four companies.

  • Ausnutria: Interactive app for maternal and offspring health
  • DSM: Search for new enzymes for sustainable use of industrial waste streams
  • Shell: Improving biodegradation assessment of chemicals for a greener future
  • Solynta: Potato CRISP(R)s
For a full description of these challenges: link.

The workshop will take place in Leiden in the building of the Lorentz Center, an organisation that is specialised in organising scientific workshops

To create multi-disciplinary teams, participants will be selected based on their (i) contribution to the case and (ii) motivation to participate. Register on the workshop website: link. 
Deadline for registration: Monday 16 September, 2019.

Participation is free of charge, including hotel accommodation, lunches and three dinners during the workshop. The workshop is sponsored by the Lorentz Center, the Research School BioSB and the four companies involved.

Need for more information?
Contact Wendy van der Linden at the Lorentz Center (phone +31 71 527 5542).

Scientific organizers:
Dr. Gökhan Ertaylan, VITO
Dr. Tania Morán, University Utrecht
Klara Scupakova, MSc, Maastricht University
Prof. dr. Bas Teusink, Free University Amsterdam
Dr. Aljoscha Wahl, TU Delft
Organizers (NWO):
Dr. Ansa Baykus-Wasim, NWO-Domain Science, Den Haag
Dr. Margot Beukers, NWO-Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences, Utrecht
Dr. Mirka Macel, NWO-Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences, Utrecht