1 May 2023

The average temperature in the Netherlands is rising, and we are experiencing heatwaves more frequently. How does this impact our health and what is the role of our living environment on heat-related health? Researchers from the Radboudumc are going to investigate this within a new study.

Due to climate change, average temperature in the Netherlands is rising and the frequency, intensity and duration of heatwaves will increase as well. Climate change not only affects nature, but it also has health consequences. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures make it more difficult for our body to regulate its core temperature, which can lead to heat exhaustion or even heat stroke. In addition, excessive sweating can cause dehydration. More research on these health consequences is necessary.

The presence of trees and other vegetation (green infrastructure) and water in ditches, canals, and lakes (blue infrastructure) can possibly help reduce ambient temperature in the in- and outdoor environment. More green and blue infrastructure might reduce the warming of the urban environment. However, more insight into the effects of this green and blue infrastructure on health and how we can create healthy living conditions with this infrastructure is necessary.

Participate in this study

Researchers from the Radboudumc are therefore starting a large-scale study this summer. They want to gain more insight into the effects of heat on our health and the role of the living environment in this. You are therefore warmly invited to participate in this questionnaire study. Participants will receive some questionnaires before, during, and after a warm period in the summer about health, living environment, heat stress complaints, and heat mitigation measures.

We invite everyone aged 18 years and older to participate in this research! We are looking for a high number of participants, so you are invited to encourage colleagues, friends, family, and others to participate as well! The questionnaires will be in Dutch, so to be able to participate it is required to be proficient in the Dutch language. To register or for more information, please visit www.radboudumc.nl/hitte (in Dutch).

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