About centers of clinical expertise at Radboudumc
A center of expertise is a center where specialized knowledge and expertise is brought together and shared with parties outside the organization. The Radboudumc houses centers for clinical expertise and centers of clinical expertise for rare diseases.
read moreAbout centers of clinical expertise at Radboudumc
A center of expertise is a center where specialized knowledge and expertise is brought together and shared with parties outside the organization. The Radboudumc houses centers for clinical expertise and centers of clinical expertise for rare diseases.
The most important tasks of a center of expertise are:
- providing high-quality patient care for even the most complex patient groups
- gathering, connecting and increasing existing knowledge and expertise, including scientific research
- Advancing/sharing knowledge with others in the region and beyond
- coordinating care and treatment within Radboudumc, but also outside and far beyond the region
- taking the lead with regards to the four above-mentioned tasks at national level

Centers of clinical expertise for rare diseases
Centers of clinical expertise for rare diseases are acknowledged by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport.
see pageRadboudumc Center of Expertise for Pediatric Trauma and Burns
At Amalia children’s hospital we treat children who suffer multiple or severe injuries following an accident. We call this child trauma care.
read moreRadboudumc Center of Expertise for Sex & Gender
The center Disorders/differences in sex development specializes in disorders or variations in sexual, chromosomal and gonadal development. read moreRadboudumc Center of Expertise for Mindfulness
The Radboudumc Center for Mindfulness is a national center of expertise in the application and scientific evaluation of mindfulness-based interventions in a broad range of populations. We offer workshops and education on mindfulness as well.
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