28 June 2018

The Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport recently awarded structural funding to the six collaborating academic care networks for the elderly (SANO). One of these six networks is the ‘Universitair Kennisnetwerk Ouderenzorg Nijmegen’ (UKON); a collaboration between the Department of Primary and Community Care and fifteen long-term care organizations.

UKON’s aim is to improve the quality of life of and the quality of care for elderly people and people with a chronic disease, who need intensive care and guidance. The funding is structural and increasing - from 2020 onwards the total funding will be 700,000 euros per network per year. Raymond Koopmans, ELG professor of Elderly Care Medicine and chairman of UKON, is pleased with the subsidy: 'With this structural funding, UKON will develop a sustainable knowledge infrastructure that realizes a significant impact on elderly care. Through further scientific and practical research, the dissemination of this new knowledge and its implementation, UKON improves the quality of care for the elderly '.

Read the complete article in Dutch.

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