The Donders Institute and the muZIEum have launched the CityLab in the Nijmegen city centre. The Citylab aims to bring science and the general public together by combining research, entertainment and education, a schoolbook example of citizen science.
The official launch was last Thursday. Chancellor Han van Krieken of Radboud University and alderman Monique Esselbrugge of the municipality of Nijmegen unveiled the first three experiments that museum visitors can do in the Citylab. "This new combination of culture, education and knowledge is good for the city," Esselbrugge said. "This kind of collaboration really puts Nijmegen on the map."
Van Krieken adds: "As a university, we stand for good education and research. We want to show that to society and we want to involve people from outside the campus. The Citylab fits perfectly into this picture. This is a place where science and society meet."
A chance to show research and to collect data
The Citylab is an experium, where visitors actively learn about their brain and how it controls the body. It will host interactive lectures, workshops, exhibitions and ongoing experiments. Visitors of the muZIEum will become research participants and learn about science and the brain.
For researchers, the Citylab offers a chance to show their research, and to collect data from people across all segments of society. For the muZIEum, the citylab broadens the experience and education of its visitors.
muZIEum Nijmegen
The muZIEum focusses on visual impairment and promotes awareness of those living with visual impairments. Visitors can experience the life of a blind person, in the Dark Experience, or during a tour through the city of Nijmegen with VR-glasses that simulate low vision. Tours are given by guides who themselves have a visual impairment.
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