Researchers Rogier Kievit and Geert Litjens were today festively welcomed by the Board of Directors, because of the ERC Starting Grants they both received. With these European top grants, they can each design an ambitious research project and put together their own research group.
Rogier Kievit will study cognitive dynamics in children. In one and the same person, cognitive skills can fluctuate sharply from one moment to the next, which sometimes leads to lifelong negative consequences. More attention to the fluctuation in cognitive skills in children can counteract this.
Geert Litjens is developing a completely new form of AI, the results of which are not only explainable (no black box!), but which for the first time can also independently make the step to diagnosis and prognosis. AI is therefore changing from valued help to a serious colleague physician.
Today, the Board of Directors congratulated Rogier Kievit (third from left) and Geert Litjens (right) on acquiring the ERC Starting Grant.
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