About translation services
You can get help from an interpreter or translation service to translate conversations or texts. Radboudumc has several preferred partners.
Do you need an interpreter to support communication with your healthcare professional? For example, because you don't speak Dutch, or because you have a medical record in a foreign language?
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Do you need an interpreter to support communication with your healthcare professional? For example, because you don't speak Dutch, or because you have a medical record in a foreign language? Then your healthcare professional can call in Global Talk (formerly TVcN).
For the most common languages you can get a professional interpreter on the phone within minutes. You will need a phone with a speakerphone. For a face-to-face interpreter and for infrequent languages, you need to book in advance.
See the flowchart on Qportal (in Dutch) for requesting an interpreter.
The use of telephone interpreters for asylum seekers is reimbursed by the government (an on-site interpreter will no longer be reimbursed as of July 1, 2018). For non-asylum seekers, the department pays the interpreting fees.
Requesting interpretation services for non-asylum seekers
Interpreter services for non-asylum seekers pays the department where the patient is being treated. Request an interpreter through Global Talk: 088 -255 52 22 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Please have the following information handy:
- Name of healthcare provider who will conduct the interview
- Cost centre number department
- The language the patient speaks
- The date on which the interview is to take place
- The duration of the interview
- Any additional information that may be of interest to the interpreter
Requesting interpretation services for asylum seekers
The government pays for telephone interpreters for asylum seekers. You can also book an interpreter for an asylum seeker through Global Talk. Global Talk connects interpreter requests that are reimbursed to Livewords. Livewords declares the costs incurred for the telephone interpreting service directly to the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). Asylum seekers are insured with RZA and have a care card from that insurance. Is it about an asylum seeker who cannot be identified? Then you can still use an interpreter (by telephone) if there is a medical need for it. For unidentified asylum seekers, provide the following codes when booking:
- unidentified asylum seekers in COA temporary shelter: TNV90
- unidentified asylum seekers in Municipal Emergency Shelter: GNO
Not getting there and need help with patient communication? Contact us at phone numbers 92579 or 92884.