
prof. dr. Heiman Wertheim
BIG-number: 99047829301

About Heiman Wertheim

Heiman Wertheim is a professor in clinical microbiology and heads the clinical microbiology department at Radboud University Medical Center. read more

About Heiman Wertheim

Heiman Wertheim is a professor in clinical microbiology and heads the clinical microbiology department at Radboud University Medical Center and is chair of the Radboud Center of Infectious Diseases (RCI). Heiman is member of the ‘Raad voor Wetenschap en Innovatie’ at the Federatie Medisch Specialisten. Until 2015, Heiman was director of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) in Hanoi, Vietnam.

One of his main interests is antibiotic resistance in both resource rich and resource constrained settings and does this through a multidisciplinary approach: health systems, policy development, behavior, surveillance, prevention, genomics, and clinical trials. Heiman was part of a WHO expert panel to develop a priority pathogens list (PPL) of antimicrobial resistant bacteria and currently he is on a panel to evaluate consequences of mass drug administration of azithromycin.


  • arts-microbioloog/ afdelingshoofd

Personal prizes & awards

  • Vietnam Ministry of Health's Medal for the People's Health (he received this honour for his contributions to infectious and tropical diseases research in Vietnam since 2003).

Additional Functions

  • 2018: WHO expert panel azithromycin MDA
  • 2018: Board member International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
  • 2018: Supervisory Board Netherlands Center for One Health (
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Additional Functions

  • 2018: WHO expert panel azithromycin MDA
  • 2018: Board member International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
  • 2018: Supervisory Board Netherlands Center for One Health (
  • 2017: Advisory board RIVM/Cib –Centrum Infectieziekten Bestrijding
  • 2017: Chair of Horizonscan Committee for Dutch Ministry of Health
  • 2017: WHO Working Group Drug Resistant Pathogen Priority List
  • 2016: NVMM board member
  • 2016: SWAB working group Antimicrobial Stewardship

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