
prof. dr. Joop Jansen

About Joop Jansen

Joop Jansen is head of molecular hematology at the Central Hematology Laboratory. He is coordinator of the molecular studies for the EORTC. read more

About Joop Jansen

Joop Jansen is head of molecular hematology at the Central Hematology Laboratory. He is coordinator of the molecular studies for the Leukemia Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC).

In human leukemia, various genetic mutations are now known that are critically involved in the oncogenic transformation of the cells. Novel treatments are being designed and clinically tested that aim to correct the biological effects of the mutated proteins. Our research focuses on the molecular mechanisms that are implicated in the development of human leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromes. The biological effects of several genes that are known to be consistently mutated are studied, with a focus on various transcription factors and their downstream targets. In addition, we aim to identify novel, as yet unknown mutations that are involved in leukemogenesis.


  • hoofd Laboratorium LH