Reinforcing biomedical research

The Radboud Biobank aims to support researchers in achieving groundbreaking translational research by promoting the standardized collection, storage, and management of biomaterials together with detailed clinical data. read more

Reinforcing biomedical research

Established in 2012, the Radboud Biobank supports researchers throughout the entire organizational process of building a biobank, from gaining permission from the medical-ethical review board (CMO) to creating an efficient database. The Radboud Biobank further coordinates activities between researchers, ICT, laboratories, and clinicians to expedite interdepartmental communication. High-quality biomaterials and data are promoted, and the Radboud Biobank exploits in-house expertise from the diverse Radboudumc laboratories to ensure best practices in data collection. The Radboud Biobank envisions that the scientific data mobilized by this infrastructure will lead to improved health in patients and reinforce biomedical research in Nijmegen.


dr. Peggy Manders
RTC coordinator

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5 years of sustainable biobanking

Facilities Biobank

We offer professionally maintained long-term storage for collections with standardization in the areas of ICT, legal-ethical aspects, biobanking, communication and distribution. This is an efficient, high-quality service for scientific research and medical innovation.

Financial administration

The Radboud Biobank is a non-profit institution and administrative fees help cover operating costs.

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Financial administration

All initial costs related to patient sampling and the collection of biomaterials are covered by individual academic departments. The Radboud Biobank covers the costs of sample preparation, freezing and storage. An administrative fee based on the quantity and type of samples will apply upon request for biomaterials. Radboudumc-affiliated researchers are eligible for discounted rates. The Radboud Biobank is a non-profit institution and administrative fees help cover operating costs.

In 2024 a sustainable business model will be introduced that is demand-driven and aligns with the Radboudumc Fit for the Future policy.

Health-RI Theme Biobanks & Collections

Achieving the overarching Health-RI mission of building a national health data infrastructure for research and innovation requires the findability, accessibility, and comparability of data from a wide range of registries, databanks, and biobanks.

The Health-RI theme Biobanks & Collections therefore facilitates that health data, biomaterials, and images are collected, managed, and made available in a harmonised manner.

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The Radboud Biobank is a technology platform overseen by the Department of Laboratory Medicine. read more


The Radboud Biobank is a technology platform overseen by the Department of Laboratory Medicine. The Radboudumc Board of Directors appoints the director of the Radboud Biobank. This director is responsible for building a Management Team which provides the necessary support and expertise for the operation of the Radboud Biobank. The Advisory Council, appointed by the Board of Directors, is responsible for policies and procedures and receives annual updates on (sub)-biobank activities from the Management Team.

Right of say over biomaterial and clinical data stored in the Radboud Biobank

The biomaterial and the clinical data in the Radboud Biobank are entrusted by patients to the overseeing body (for example, an academic department, also referred to as sub-biobank) for future research. The patient transfers his/her “right of say” to the sub-biobank after signing informed consent. The sub-biobank owns the collection, and the Radboud biobank manages the biomaterial and clinical data. The inclusion, nature and management of the collection, storage, and distribution are arranged between the sub-biobank and the Radboud Biobank.


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