About this course

This workshop is aimed at providing you the tools how to use Research Professional, an up-to-date database of funding possibilities in EU and beyond. Using your own keywords you prepare your personal search.

This workshop of 2 hours is organized twice a year. In the first part you will receive the general information on Research Professional. The second part is hands-on session behind the computer, reserved to create your own profile and to setting up the search terms ready to use. As preparation, you are asked to think of the specific keywords, representing your research interest the best, you would like to use in your specific search.

Education Courses How to search for grants via the online database (digital course)

About this course

This course is aimed at providing you the tools how to use the Research Professional, an up-to-date database of funding possibilities in EU and beyond.  read more

In short

  • Radboudumc PhD candidates and post-docs and other interested researchers.


Rachel van Swelm

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