Education Courses All meetings


26 September

  • Lecture: Novel molecular imaging techniques in endoscopy
  • Invited speaker: Prof. dr. Wouter Nagengast
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26 September

Prof. dr. Wouter Nagengast works as a clinical gastroenterologist at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Groningen Universitair Medical Center. After graduating in medicine he obtained a PhD at the department of Medical Oncology in Groningen. During his PhD he developed a new method to visualize VEGF, a growth factor involved in tumor angiogenesis. With a growing interest in optical imaging he developed Molecular Fluorescence Endoscopy. This endoscopic technology combined with near-infrared optical tracers allows fluorescence imaging during endoscopy procedures to improve (pre)malignant lesion detection. Currently, as one of the group leaders of the international multidisciplinary research group ‘Optical Molecular Imaging Groningen’, he continues to research novel optical imaging techniques with the aim to enhance visualisation of diseases and investigate drug distribution. Prof. dr. Nagengast will give us a guest lecture on ‘novel molecular imaging techniques in endoscopy’.


17 September

  • Lecture: The application of Artificial Intelligence to Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  • Invited speaker: dr. Antonio Galante
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17 September

Dr. Antonio Galante is a consultant in Hepatology at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale Hospital in Lugano, Switzerland. He is also actively involved in the teaching of medicine at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of USI Università della Svizzera Italiana. After graduating in Medicine at the University of Messina (Italy), he moved to Hamburg (Germany) where in 2016 he completed the training in Internal Medicine at the University Hospital of Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). In 2018 he completed a one-year Fellowship in Transplant Hepatology at Toronto General Hospital, University of Toronto (Canada). Dr. Galante is the author of several scientific publications in the field of Hepatology, with a focus on chronic liver disease and liver transplantation. He will give us a lecture on the application of Artificial Intelligence to Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

2 June

  • Lecture (online): Post-ERCP adverse events
  • Invited speaker: dr. Marianna Arvanitakis
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2 June

Invited speaker: Prof. Marianna Arvanitakis – gastroenterologist

Prof. Marianna Arvanitakis is a renowned gastroenterologist at the Erasme University Hospital, Brussels.  She specialized in endoscopic management of pancreaticobiliary diseases and nutrition and is involved in several guidelines. Additionally, she is highly involved in the ESGE and UEG, where she initiated the ESGE young endoscopist (EYE) working group, chairs the ESGE educations committee and is member of the UEG scientific committee.

Dr. Arvanitakis will give us a guest lecture on the topic “Post-ERCP adverse events”.




25 January

  • Lecture: Bringing Science to Polyp Resection
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Heiko Pohl
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25 January

Dr. Heiko Pohl is a renowned gastroenterologist in the White River Junction VA Medical Center in Vermont, the USA. After studying medicine in Berlin in the 90’s, he moved to the USA for an internship in internal medicine in the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, New Hampshire. He later specialized in gastroenterology, focusing on Barret’s esophagus and esophageal cancer. Additionally, he is considered an authority on colorectal polyp resections, and in 2019, he published a large trial on prophylactic clipping after colorectal EMR.

Dr. Pohl will give us a guest lecture on his favorite topic “Bringing Science to Polyp Resection”.


2 December

  • Lecture: De diagnostiek en behandeling van Barrett en vroegcarcinoom van de slokdarm
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Erik Schoon
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2 December

Dr. Erik Schoon heeft zijn opleiding tot MDL-arts gedaan in Maastricht en is hier in 2001 ook gepromoveerd. Sindsdien is hij werkzaam in het Catharina Ziekenhuis in Eindhoven. Hier is zijn aandachtsgebied ‘Advanced Endoscopy of the upper and lower GI’ met speciale aandacht voor Barrett slokdarm. Daarnaast is hij hoofd van de endoscopieafdeling en staat hij aan het roer van de MDL-opleiding aldaar.
Naast zijn klinische taken richt hij zich met veel toewijding op de wetenschap. Zo heeft hij samenwerking met de TU/e meerdere vernieuwende papers gepubliceerd over het diagnosticeren van Barrett en vroegcarcinoom in de slokdarm met behulp van kunstmatige intelligentie. Met een neuraal netwerk hebben zij een programma ontwikkelt dat op basis van endoscopiebeelden van de slokdarm kan bepalen of er sprake is van deze afwijkingen.

Op 2 dec 2019 zal hij het hebben over de diagnostiek en behandeling van Barrett en vroegcarcinoom van de slokdarm.

Meer weten over dr. Schoon? Klik dan hier:


29 January

  • Lecture: Chemo/Radio-embolisatie van HCC
  • Invited speaker: prof.dr. Geert Maleux
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29 January

Prof. dr. Geert Maleux - Radioloog

Specialized in:
  • Stent-grafting van aorta aneurysma
  • Oncologische lever interventies
  • Uteriene myoom-embolisatie
  • Interventies met betrekking tot portale hypertensie

5 March

  • Lecture: Portal Hypertension
  • Invited speaker: dr. Juan Carlos Garcia-Pagán
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5 March

Juan Carlos Garcia-Pagán MD, PhD - Hepatologist

Director, Hepatic Hemodynamic & Liver Unit, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain
Dr. Juan Carlos Garcia-Pagan received his medical degree from the University of Barcelona Medical School and completed his training in Hepatology at the Liver Unit at Hospital Clínic in Barcelona, where he is now the head of the Hepatic Hemodynamic Unit. Dr. Garcia-Pagan's research has been mainly in the area of the pathophysiology, methods of evaluation and treatment of portal hypertension as well as in the natural history, diagnosis and treatment of vascular disorders of the liver.

9 April

  • Lecture: The shifting landscape of pancreatitis
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Markus Lerch
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9 April

Prof. Dr. Markus M. Lerch - Klinikdirektor

Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin A
Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Publikationsverzeichnis in PubMed

2 July

  • Lecture:
  • Invited speaker: prof. Pietro Invernizzi
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2 July

Prof. Dr. Pietro Invernizzi - Hepatologist

Università degli Studi di Milano,  Milano
Department of Medicine and Surgery

Specialized in:
  • Liver diseases
  • Autoimmune liver diseases

CV: Visualizza il CV del docente

3 September

  • Lecture: Gastroenterologie in Europees perspectief
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Paul Fockens - AMC
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3 September

Paul Fockens is maag-darm-leverarts en zijn professionele carrière staat voor een groot deel in het teken van de flexibele endoscopie (het kijken in maag en darm met een zogeheten kijkslang). Een deel hiervan betreft vroeg-diagnostiek van kwaadaardige tumoren en hun voorlopers. Hierbij zoekt Fockens naar nieuwe beeldvormende technieken door gebruik te maken van verschillende interacties tussen licht en weefsel. Daarnaast gaat Fockens’ onderzoeksinteresse uit naar de endoscopische therapie voor late stadia van kwaadaardige tumoren. Hierbij worden bijvoorbeeld nieuwe endoscopische methoden voor het opheffen van verstoppingen vergeleken met de huidige standaardbehandeling.

Endoscopische chirurgie is een nieuw gebied waarin Fockens en het Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC-UvA) naam proberen te maken. Fockens heeft internationale bekendheid verkregen door zijn deelname aan wereldwijde nascholingscursussen en is ook organisator van dergelijke cursussen in Nederland. Hij is oud-voorzitter van het Nederlands Genootschap van MDL-artsen en voorzitter van de European Postgraduate Gastro-Surgical School. In de afgelopen jaren was hij voorzitter van het onderwijsinstituut Medische Informatiekunde van de UvA. In die functie begeleidde hij de invoering van de bachelor-masterstructuur.

Fockens is sinds 1992 als academisch specialist en universitair hoofddocent werkzaam bij de afdeling maag-, darm- en leverziekten van het AMC. Sinds 1999 is hij tevens hoofd van de afdeling Endoscopie. Daarnaast is Fockens lid van de internationale redactieraad van het tijdschrift Gastrointestinal Endoscopy en mede-editor van het tijdschrift Endoscopy.

10 September

  • Lecture: Zout en de cirrhotische patiënt (hoe analyseer en behandel ik electrolytstoornissen bij de patiënt met (gede)compenseerde levercirrhose
  • Invited speaker: Prof. dr. Ewout Hoorn – Erasmusmc
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10 September

Invited speaker: Prof. dr. Ewout Hoorn – Erasmusmc

Lecture: Zout en de cirrhotische patiënt (hoe analyseer en behandel ik electrolytstoornissen bij de patiënt met (gede)compenseerde levercirrhose

1 October

  • Lecture: Liver cancer - A wound that does not heal
  • Invited speaker: Robert Schwabe, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY

29 October

  • Lecture: De rol van een UMC als werkgever en magneet voor jonge talenten binnen de gastroenterologie
  • Invited speaker: Prof dr Ernst Kuipers, Erasmusmc Rotterdam
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29 October

  • More information will follow.

17 December

  • Lecture: eNose
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Nanne de Boer - MDL arts VUmc
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17 December

Dr. Nanne de Boer

MDL arts VUmc

“Binnen de afdeling maag-, darm- en leverziekten heb ik mij toegelegd op de behandeling van chronische ontstekingsziekten van het maag-darmkanaal (ziekte van Crohn en colitis ulcerosa). Met een team proberen we de patiënten zo krachtig mogelijk te behandelen, met zo min mogelijk bijwerkingen. Ook nieuwe medicamenten en chirurgische technieken worden aangeboden in wetenschappelijk verband. Laagdrempelig contact en persoonlijke behandeling zijn belangrijk voor mij om goede zorg te leveren.”

Aandachtsgebieden/specialismen: Inflammatoire darmziekten, Ziekte van Crohn en Colitis ulcerosa


1 February

  • Lecture: The Development of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Indonesia
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Dadang Makmun MD, PhD, FACG

13 March

  • Lecture: Waarom medicijnen zo duur zijn en waarom er zoveel winst wordt gemaakt
  • Invited speaker: Jeroen Nijwening

3 April

  • Lecture: IBD surveillance
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Venkat Subramanian, Clinical Associate Professor and Consultant Gastroenterologist Leeds Institute of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, St James University Hospital, University of
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3 April

Dr. Venkat Subramanian

Summary: Advanced imaging in gastrointestinal endoscopy Outcomes research in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Location: Level 4, Bexley Wing, St James University Hospital
Teaching Commitments: Postgraduate research supervision Academic and educational supervision for Academic Clinical Fellows and Academic Foundation Year trainees Educational and clinical supervision for Gastroenterology SpRs, CT and FY trainees.

Overview: My career in clinical research started with a study looking at trends of smoking among medical students during my undergraduate years at the Christian Medical College, Vellore in India published in the Indian Journal of Medical Research. After graduation, I spent two years as a research fellow working with Professor Ramakrishna at the Wellcome Research Laboratories (Vellore), on randomized trials evaluating a novel oral rehydration solution for diarrhoea and evaluating the predictive ability of faecal inflammatory markers in childhood diarrhoea. This resulted in several publications including one in the New England Journal of Medicine. The next six years were spent in clinical training in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology at Vellore during which time I also worked on developing a faecal PCR test for diagnosing intestinal tuberculosis and identifying the risk factors and genetic markers of inflammatory bowel disease in southern India.

I moved to London in 2005 to further my clinical and translational research expertise in Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Dr Richard Pollok at St George&rsquos Hospital. During this period I worked on developing biomarkers for non-invasive diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and studying the effect of pharmacotherapy on long term outcomes in IBD for which I was awarded an MD from the University of London.

As Walport Clinical Lecturer at the University of Nottingham from 2007-11, I continued my interest in IBD with projects evaluating the role of prior helminth infections as a protective factor for IBD and the risk factors of developing IBD in India, evaluating the role of activated platelets in inflammatory bowel disease (in collaboration with the Cardiovascular research group) and the role of visceral fat in complicated Crohn&rsquos disease. I also trained in advanced endoscopic imaging techniques like autofluoresence, virtual/dye based chromoendoscopy and small bowel endoscopy. I was involved in trials using narrow band imaging (NBI) in detecting dysplasia in colorectal cancer (with St Mark&rsquos, London) and comparing trimodal and white light endoscopy in detecting dysplasia in Barrett&rsquos oesophagus (with AMC, Amsterdam and Mayo Clinic, Rochester).

I moved to Leeds in September 2011. I am now developing and evaluating novel endoscopic imaging modalities for the detection of gastrointestinal neoplasia and assessment of inflammation as well as using large population based databases and meta-analytic techniques to evaluate long term health outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease.

14 July

  • Lecture: Basale onderzoek op het gebied van Barrett-Oesofagus
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Dr. Sheila K. Krishnadath

11 September

  • Lecture: liver histology
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Joanne Verheij
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11 September

Dr. Joanne Verheij 

AMC Amsterdam

Dr. Joanne Verheij was born on November 8, 1973. She attended high school in Rotterdam, where she obtained her diploma gymnasium B in 1992. She moved to Brussels where she studied medicine at the  Université Catholique de Louvai' (UCL). During her studies she followed several internships at the Hepatology section (Prof. E. Elias) in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, England. In 1995 she obtained her Bachelor and in 1999 her master's degree, both 'with distinction'.

Back in The Netherlands she started her PhD research at the Department of Intensive Care at the VU University Medical Centre in Amsterdam, which lead to a thesis entitled 'Heart and lung function in the critically ill and the effect or fluid loading'. Then she started her training Pathology at the Department of Clinical Pathology pathology of the VU University Medical Center (Amsterdam). She worked for two years as (liver) pathologist at Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. Currently she works in the academic medical center, Amsterdam, with a specific interest and passion in the liver pathology.

28 September

  • Lecture: Abdominale Imaging
  • Invited speaker: dr. Maxime Ronot
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28 September

Dr. Maxim Ronot

20 November

  • Lecture: The specifics of liver disease in gynaecology
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Michael Heneghan
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20 November

Dr. Michael Heneghan - Consultant Hepatologist
  • Qualifications: MB., BCh, BAO (N.U.I.), MRCPI, M MED Sc, MD, USMLE, FRCPI
  • Year qualified: 1992
  • GMC No. or equivalent: 4454713
  • Primary speciality: Hepatology
  • Specialist interests: Liver transplantation and Autoimmune liver disease
  • Professional memberships:
    • British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL)
    • Royal Academy of Medicine of Ireland (RAMI)
    • American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD)
    • International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS)
    • American Gastroenterological Association (AGA)
    • European Association for the Study of the Liver
Dr. Heneghan is a Consultant Hepatologist with specialist interest in liver transplantation and autoimmune liver disease. He trained at the University College of Dublin and qualified in 1992. After his Residency in Internal Medicine at the University College Hospital Galway, he trained in Gastroenterology and Hepatology between 1995 and 2001 in Ireland, London and the U.S.A. Dr Heneghan worked at Duke University Medical Centre in the U.S.A before starting at King’s as Senior Lecturer and Consultant Hepatologist. He is the Clinical Lead for Hepatology and Liver Outpatient Services for King’s.


18 January

  • Lecture: Endoscopic detection and characterization of serrated polyps
  • Invited speaker: prof. dr. Evelien Dekker (AMC)
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18 January

Prof. dr. Evelien Dekker   

Professor Dr.  Evelien Dekker is one of the AMC Principal Investigators. Her main activities are Patient care and Research. Her specialization is Gastrointestinal oncology with a special interest in screening and diagnosis of colorectal cancer.

Focus of research:  Population screening for CRC, Quality of colonoscopy and advanced colonoscopic imaging techniques, Treatment of colorectal polyps and cancer, Hereditary polyposis syndromes and colorectal cancer.

15 February

  • Lecture: de rol van EUS bij de diagnostiek van pancreascysten
  • Invited speaker: dr. Henri Braat (Gelre Ziekenhuis Apeldoorn, The Netherlands)
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15 February

Dr. Henri Braat

Henri Braat is gepromoveerd in 2006 aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op het gebied van chronische ontstekingen van de darm en heeft gewerkt met melkzuurbacteriën als medicijn tegen de Ziekte van Crohn.

Hij heeft zijn opleiding tot MDL-arts in het AMC Amsterdam afgerond in 2010. Daarna is hij tot 2014 werkzaam geweest in het Erasmus MC Rotterdam met als aandachtsgebied nieuwe endoscopische ontwikkelingen en aandoeningen van de alvleesklier en galwegen.

Daarnaast houdt hij zich bezig met het medisch management van de vakgroep MDL in Apeldoorn.

30 May

  • Lecture: Hepatitis C
  • Invited speaker: dr. med. Johannes Wiegand (Klinik für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig, Germany)
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30 May

Dr. med. Johannes Wiegand

Institute Address: University of Leipzig   
Department of Gastroenterology
and Rheumatology
Liebigstr. 20
04103 Leipzig
Phone: +49 341 97-12200
Board certification &bdquoInternal Medicine and Gastroenterology&ldquo

State doctorate &ldquoInternal Medicine&rdquo

Since 01/2010
Senior physician, University of Leipzig, Department of Gastroenterology and Rheumatology (Prof. Dr. med. J. Mössner)

Board certification &bdquoInternal Medicine&ldquo

Board certification &bdquoEmergency Medicine&ldquo

06/2004 &ndash 12/2009
Residency, University of Leipzig, Department of Gastroenterology and Rheumatology (Prof. Dr. med. J. Mössner) 

08/2003 &ndash 05/2004 
Residency, Medical School Hannover, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endocrinology (Prof. Dr. med. M. P. Manns)

Licence to practice medicine

02/2002 &ndash 07/2003
First year resident, Medical School Hannover, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Endocrinology (Prof. Dr. med. M. P. Manns)

20 June

  • Lecture: HCV treatment in cirrotic patients
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Graham Foster
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20 June

Prof. Graham Foster

Professor Foster is the Professor of Hepatology at Queen Marys, University of London and a consultant at Barts Health in East London. He trained in Medicine at Oxford and London Universities in the 1980s and completed a PhD in Molecular Biology in 1992. Professor Foster has a long standing interest in the management of chronic viral hepatitis and runs a clinical research program studying the natural history of viral hepatitis, its impact upon patients and their communities and novel therapies for this disease.

He leads a national study investigating community screening for viral hepatitis and supervises a laboratory research program investigating novel replication models for hepatitis C. He is the editor of The Journal of Viral Hepatitis and has published widely in the field of viral liver disease. He is a past President of BASL, Vice Chairman the UK Department of Health Advisory Group on Hepatitis and a member of a number of patient advocacy groups.

Special interests
Liver disease, viral hepatitis

4 July

  • Lecture: ESD en EMR van grote colon poliepen
  • Invited speaker: dr. L.M.G. (Leon) Moons maag-, darm en leverarts
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4 July

dr. L.M.G. (Leon) Moons, maag-, darm en leverarts

Overige functies

  • Chef polikliniek
  • Voorzitter richtlijn poliepectomie
  • Voorzitter nationale T1 werkgroep


Onderzoek en behandeling op het gebied van gezondheidsproblemen aan het maag-darmkanaal, met name kanker van het maag-darmkanaal.

Wetenschappelijk onderzoek

Studie naar optimalisatie van een minimaal invasieve behandeling van vroeg darmkankers (T1 CRCs), en dan in het bijzonder nieuwe therapeutische ontwikkelingen in en-bloc resecties (ESD, endoscopische of chirurgische Full thickness resectie). Geavanceerde endoscopische resectie van poliepen " van grote omvang, locatie op moeilijke plekken (appendix, ileocaecaal klep, of divertikels), of non-lifting. Bij het laatste betreft het vooral de behandeling van recidief poliepen na eerdere incomplete verwijdering.
Ontwikkeling van nieuwe hulpmiddelen voor effectieve verwijzing van patiënten voor een coloscopie.
Optimale behandeling van subepitheliale tumoren van de tractus digestivus.


De publicaties van dr. L.M.G. (Leon) Moons vindt u op Pubmed.


Studie: Geneeskunde
Datum promotie: 18-02-2008
Titel proefschrift: Predisponerende rol van immunologische determinanten in het ontstaan van een Barrett slokdarm.

Korte biografie:

  • 2005-2011 Opleiding tot Maag-Darm-Leverarts, Erasmus MC Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam Aandachtsgebied: interventie endoscopie
  • 2012-heden Staflid afdeling Maag-, darm en leverziekten van het UMC Utrecht
  • 2015-heden Chef polikliniek

10 October

  • Lecture: The future of IBD surveillance
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Bas Oldenburg
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10 October

Dr. Bas Oldenburg - MDL arts UMC Utrecht

Overige functies:
  • Opleider van assistenten in opleiding tot MDL-arts
  • Waarnemend afdelingshoofd
  • Coördinator van het onderwijsblok Stofwisseling II en GIS (SUMMA)
  • Inflammatoire darmziekten (IBD)
  • Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
  • Colitis-geassocieerd colorectaal carcinoom
  • Innovatieve behandelingen van IBD
  • Zorg-gerelateerde kosten van IBD
Korte biografie
1990-1996 Opleiding tot internist
1996-1999 Opleiding tot MDL-arts
Tijdens het promotieonderzoek heeft dr. Oldenburg 6 maanden doorgebracht in Palo Alto (DNAX labs)
2000-heden Staflid MDL-ziekten in het UMC Utrecht met een klinisch en research focus op IBD.
  • Studie: Geneeskunde, Universiteit Utrecht
  • Datum promotie: 2001
  • Titel proefschrift: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, iron and homocysteine.
Persoonlijke prijzen, subsidies en onderscheidingen
  • ZON MW subsidie
  • Diverse best abstracts op internationale congressen 
  • Nevenactiviteiten
  • Voorzitter van het Dutch Initiative on Crohn and Colitis (ICC)
  • Voorzitter van de Gastrostart commissie
  • Lid van ECCO en de AGA

21 November

  • Lecture: Medical data recorder ('black box') in the operating room
  • Invited speaker: Martijn Kriens
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21 November

Martijn Kriens works as Director of program development at the Amsterdam Health & Technology center (related to the AMC) focused on development of application-oriented research, education and entrepreneurship in health care at the crossroads of technology and health. In addition, he has been working at Radboudumc as a member of the Safety Committee focused on patient safety. Since 2010 he is working on the development of the medical data recorder ('black box') with the aim to improve processes in the operating room on the basis of objective data.

12 december

  • Lecture: Predicting Outcomes in Acute Severe Colitis
  • Invited speaker: Prof Simon Travis, John Radcliffe Oxford University Hospitals, UK.
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12 december

Simon Travis is one of the UK&rsquos leading gastroenterologists. He is the immediate Past-President of the European Crohn&rsquos and Colitis Organisation (ECCO), Fellow of Linacre College at the University of Oxford and Consultant Gastroenterologist at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford.  He qualified from St Thomas&rsquo Hospital London in 1981 and trained in Gastroenterology both in London and in Oxford, where he did his PhD on colonic epithelial electrophysiology. He was formerly Chair of the IBD Section of the BSG (2002-5), Member of Council of the British Society of Gastroenterology (2004-2007) and Chair of the scientific committee of ECCO (2007-2010). Clinical and research interests focus on clinical prediction, novel therapy and endoscopic assessment in inflammatory bowel disease. He is the author of 6 books, 30 chapters, over 200 papers and many international guidelines.


12 January

  • Lecture: Pathology
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Fatima Carneiro, Institute of Molecular Pathology of the University of Porto[IPATIMUP] & Medical Faculty Portugal/H.S. João, Porto, Portugal.
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12 January

Prof. Fatima Carneiro

Fátima Carneiro (Angola, 1954) is Full Professor of Anatomic Pathology (Medical Faculty of Porto), Head of Department of Anatomic Pathology (Hospital S. João, Porto) and Senior Researcher at IPATIMUP. She is a member of the following Comittees: Scientific Committee of the Working Group on Digestive Diseases of the European Society of Pathology and Tutorial Board of the European Course in Cellular Pathology (EUROCELLPATH).

She has a long lasting interest in gastric carcinogenesis, reflected in about 140 peer reviewed papers mainly on cancer and precursor lesions of the stomach and in chapters of books issued by WHO.

Her research activities are also developed in the frame of international networks and is directed towards understanding of etiopathogenesis of gastric cancer, with emphasis on the study of the interplay between Helicobacter pylori virulence factors and host genetic variability in gastric carcinogenesis and: molecular basis of gastric carcinoma development, with an emphasis on Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Carcinoma (HDGC).


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

2 March

  • Lecture: GLP-2
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Palle Bekker Jeppesen MD, PhD,, dls, Department of Medical Gastroenterology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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2 March

Prof. Palle Bekker Jeppesen

Prof. Palle Bekker Jeppesen (1963) is research chief physician at Gastroenterology department at the hospital and adjunct professor at the Department of Human Nutrition at the Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen. He has extensive experience in processing and clearing complicated patients with intestinal failure and the need for parenteral nutrition (short bowel syndrome).


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

16 March

  • Lecture: Colorectal cancer after Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Invited speaker: Dr. Monique E. van Leerdam / Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Ziekenhuis, Amsterdam
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16 March

Dr. Monique van Leerdam

Dr. Monique van Leerdam is since 2011 working at Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital as a Gastroenterologist. She is a specialist in oncology, her main research focuses are: sporadic colorectal cancer, familiair and hereditairy colorectal cancer and acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding.


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

11 May

  • Lecture: Alcoholic Hepatitis
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Mark Thursz, Imperial College, Faculty of Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
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11 May

Prof. Mark Thursz

Mark Thursz is a Professor of Hepatology at Imperial College and Consultant Hepatologist at St. Mary&rsquos Hospital in London, UK. His clinical interests are in treatment of chronic viral hepatitis infection and in the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. His research interests are focused on the natural history of chronic viral hepatitis, immune responses to viral infection and genetic susceptibility in persistent infections.

He was Secretary of the British Association for the Study of the Liver, and is currently Secretary General of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. He is also a medical advisor for the British Liver Trust.
Professor Thursz is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and has won the Linacre Lectureship award. He has published over 100 primary research articles, many in high-impact journals including the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, Nature Medicine and Nature Genetics.


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

15 June

  • Lecture: Liver transplantation
  • Invited speaker: Prof. dr. Frederik Nevens MD, University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
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15 June

Prof. dr. Frederik Nevens

Professor Frederik Nevens, is chairman of the Department of Hepatology, the Head Lab of Hepatology at University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and the medical director of the Liver Transplant program In Leuven, as well as senior clinical investigator of the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders. He is also a professor of medicine at the Catholic University of Leuven.
A specialist in internal medicine, gastroenterology, and hepatology, he earned his medical degree from the Catholic University of Leuven as well as a PhD in the pathophysiology of esophageal varices. Current research interests include complications of cirrhosis, liver transplantation, and chronic hepatitis B and C viruses and polycystic liver disease.

The author of more than 200 peer-reviewed manuscripts, Dr. Nevens is a board member of the Flemish Society of Gastroenterology and the Belgian Transplant Society, and is a member of the European and International Associations for the Study of the Liver and the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. He cofounded the Belgian Association of the Study of the Liver, and has served as an EASL board member and president of the Belgian Liver and Intestinal Transplantation Committee.


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

14 September

  • Lecture: Emerging therapies for liver cancer
  • Invited speaker: dr. Jens Marquardt (Freie Universität Berlin)
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14 September

dr. Jens Marquardt

Jens Marquardt, born in 1978 in New York, started his medical career in 1999 at Heidelberg University. After graduating and completing his doctoral thesis at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Marquardt worked at the Department for Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the University Hospital Cologne until 2008. He subsequently performed his post-doctoral fellowship at the Center for Cancer Research of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, USA, from 2008 to 2010. Since 2011, he has continued his work at the Department of Internal Medicine I of the Mainz University Medical Center.

He is author of several publications in high profile medical journals. Most recently, he was awarded with the Rising Star Award of the United European Gastroenterology Foundation (UEG) in 2014 in recognition of his contribution to the field of hepatic cancer stem cells.


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

2 November

  • Lecture: Optimalisation of IBD therapies
  • Invited speaker: prof. dr. Gert Van Assche, MD, PhD
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2 November

prof. dr. Gert Van Assche

Gert Van Assche obtained a bachelor in Philosophy in 1988 and MD degree in 1992 from the University of Leuven, Belgium. He trained in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology in Leuven and was board certified in 2000. From 1994 until 1998 he combined his clinical training with a PhD doctoral program on regulatory peptides in motility and inflammation in the GI Hormones lab in Leuven and in the Intestinal Diseases Research Program at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada. For this research he received grants from Foundation for Scientific Research (FWO Vlaanderen) and from the Desiré Collen Research Foundation.

Since 2000 he is working in the Division of Gastroenterology at the University of Leuven hospitals. At the academic level he is an associate professor of medicine with research focus on novel therapies in IBD and fibrogenesis and mucosal immunology in IBD. Gert Van Assche holds a basic-clinical Research position at the Flemish Foundation for Scientific Research (FWO Vlaanderen) and is the secretary of the Flemish Gastroenterology Association

14 December

  • Lecture: Implementation of an IBD registry: the Danish experience
  • Invited speaker: dr. Johan Burisch, MD, PhD (Gastrounit, Medical Section Hvidovre University Hospital, Denmark)


13 January

  • Lecture: IBD Epidemic
  • Invited speaker: Peter Laszlo Lakatos, MD, PhD
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13 January

Peter Laszlo Lakatos

Peter Laszlo Lakatos is associate professor and head of the gastroenterology outpatient clinic at the 1st Department of Medicine, Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. He is one of the founders and leader of the Hungarian IBD Study Group, council member in the Hungarian Society for Gastroenterology. He serves as Head of the Epidemiology Committee and  National Representative of Hungary in ECCO and is Chairman of the Grant Committee of  IOIBD. He is regular reviewer in many leading international journals in the field of  gastroenterology and hepatology  and is editorial board member in World Journal of  Gastroenterology and Journal of Crohn&rsquos & Colitis. During his career he published more than 150 original papers including 20 book chapters. His primary research  interest is the epidemiology, outcome and biomarkers in prediction of disease progression and response to medical therapy in IBD.  


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

10 March

  • Lecture: Actual guidelines on pancreatic cancer
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Thomas Seufferlein, Director, Department of Internal Medicine I Gastroenterology and pneumology), University of Ulm, Germany
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10 March

Prof. Thomas Seufferlein

Professor Thomas Seufferlein is since 2012 head of the of Department of Gastroenterology, Endocrinology, Metabolism and Nephrology at Ulm University. He qualified in Medicine from the Technical University of Munich in 1989 and received his clinical training at the Free University of Berlin and Ulm University. He has a particular interest in gastrointestinal oncology and is studying the molecular basis of GI cancers, in particular pancreatic cancer, and piloting the clinical use of novel treatments. Basic research interests include compartment specific signaling in cancer, regulation of cellular protein transport, tumor-host-interaction, organization of the tumor cell cytoskeleton and biomarkers.

As a gastroenterologist, Professor Seufferlein is involved in setting up the German National Guidelines and the ESMO guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer. He is Editor in Chief of the German Journal of Gastroenterology and General Secretary of the European Society for Digestive Oncology (ESDO).


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

7 April

  • Lecture: Intestinal failure
  • Invited speaker: prof. Alastair Forbes, University College Hospital London
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7 April

Prof. Alastair Forbes

Alastair Forbes recently moved to take up a new position as Professor of Medicine and Academic Lead for Gastroenterology and Nutrition in the Norwich Medical School of the University of East Anglia. He was previously professor of gastroenterology and nutrition at UCL in London, and before that was consultant at St. Mark's Hospital also in London.  He has been Education Director for the European Society for Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN), Secretary of the British Society of Gastroenterology, and Chairman of BAPEN, the British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. He is an associate editor of Clinical Nutrition. His interests lie mainly in intestinal failure, inflammatory bowel disease, and intestinal regeneration. He has written more than 220 original papers, with a SCOPUS h score of 49, together with over 120 review articles, and contributions to many national and international guidelines.


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

2 June

  • Lecture: Trials in IBD: evolving views, evolving endpoints
  • Invited speaker: prof. dr. Geert D’Haens, AMC Amsterdam
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2 June

Prof. dr. Geert Dr 's Haens

Geert Dr 's Haens is Professor of Medicine at the Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam, and Director of the Imelda Gastrointestinal Clinical Research Centre in Bonheiden, Belgium. He graduated in medicine, and specialised in gastroenterology at the University of Chicago Hospitals, USA, and the University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium. Professor D&rsquoHaens is a global thought leader in IBD, with particular expertise in mucosal immunology, gastrointestinal endoscopy and immunosuppression related to IBD. He is Scientific Secretary of IOIBD, a fellow of the AGA, and co-founder and honorary member of ECCO. Professor D&rsquoHaens is also Director of European Operations of the CRO Robarts Clinical Trials. He has published over 170 peer-reviewed papers and 27 chapters in medical textbooks and has served as reviewer for several prestigious journals.

1 September

  • Title: Treatment of benign and malignant structures in the oesophagus; clinical research and practice
  • Invited speaker: prof. Peter D. Siersema
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1 September

Peter D. Siersema, MD, PhD, FASGE, FACG, FEBGH

Siersema is Professor of Gastroenterology and Director of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht (The Netherlands). He is Board member of the Cancer Center and Chair of the Medical Ethical Committee of the UMC Utrecht. Dr. Siersema is also President of the Dutch Society of Gastroenterology (NVGE) and Secretary-General of the European Society of Disease of Esophagus (ESDE). 

Dr. Siersema is Editor-in-chief of Endoscopy, and Associate editor of Gastrointestinal Intervention. He is member of the Scientific Committee of the Dutch Cancer Society. Dr. Siersema has a research interest in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Endoscopy and GI Oncology. He is leading or co-author of more than 475 peer-reviewed publications, book chapters, letters and monographs. PubMed


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands

6 October

  • Lecture: Translating genetics to clinical care in inflammatory bowel disease
  • Invited speaker: Prof. dr. Rinse K. Weersma, Faculteit Medische Wetenschappen/UMCG, Groningen
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6 October

Prof. dr. Rinse K. Weersma

Rinse Weersma (Delfzijl, 1972) studied Medicine at the University of Groningen and was appointed professor in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, particularly the complex immune-mediated gastrointestinal and hepatologic diseases, at the University Medical Center Groningen.
He subsequently specialized in Gastroenterology and Hepatology in the Medisch Spectrum Twente Hospital and the UMCG. The research focus of Weersma is on the genetics of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn&rsquos disease and ulcerative colitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). In 2007 he defended his thesis entitled &ldquoGenetic susceptibility for inflammatory bowel disease&rdquo. Weersma is responsible for the Dutch collaborative efforts in studying IBD and PSC, and is member of various international research consortia. He has received international recognition for his research achievements, for example by the United European Gastroenterology Foundation that awarded him the Rising Star Award in 2011.

Professor Weersma aims to further study the genetic background of IBD and PSC and the functional consequences of the identified genetic variations, with the ultimate aim to contribute to healthy ageing for this group of largely young and chronically ill patients.


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands


9 September

  • Lecture: Autoimmune liver diseases
  • Invited speaker: Prof. Dr. med Christoph Schramm, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
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9 September

Prof. Dr. med Christoph Schramm

Professor Christoph Schramm is Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Department of Medicine, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany. He qualified from Cologne University and trained in internal medicine and gastroenterology/hepatology at the University of Mainz. His research interests include autoimmune liver diseases and the role of regulatory T cells and cytokines in immune tolerance.


Radboud University Medical Centre
Dept of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Endoscopy Centre
Geert Groote Plein 10, route 763 Nijmegen
The Netherlands