26 March 2019

In 2020 funding will be made available for 6 RIHS Junior Researcher projects. The call for these PhD grants is now open.

Criteria for application 
  • The first applicant is a RIHS affiliated (junior)PI or a researcher within a RIHS affiliated (junior)PI group (PI predicate per January 1, 2019).
  • The work of the PhD has to be done primarily within that (j)PI group.
  • Only one project per (j)PI group can be submitted.
  • The project should be not previously awarded nor currently under review by another grant agency.
  • The theme leader should confirm that the project fits and strengthens the focus of the theme.
  • Applicants (i.e. PI group) who received a project in the Junior researcher round 2019 are not eligible for this round.
  • The project should result in a PhD graduation within Radboudumc.
Priority criteria

Conditional on sufficient quality, relevance, feasibility and fit within a research theme, project proposals will be prioritized in the following order:
  1. A proposal that was evaluated externally since January 1, 2018 and received excellent reviews but was not granted (such as a VENI proposal). Attach documents such as the original proposal, reviews, rebuttal and decision letter.
  2. A proposal that develops and/or optimizes new methodology for the health sciences (such as a new measurement technique, a new research design or a new analysis tool).
  3. A proposal that creates a new collaboration outside Radboudumc, within Radboud University (including other faculties) or with an international partner (the PhD should spend at least 6 months at the partner’s institute).
  4. Other.
The project proposals (also the externally evaluated proposals) should be submitted as a pre-proposal using the application form.
The procedure:
  • The RIHS Grant Review Committee will assess the pre-proposals on the aspects: 1. suitability of the project for a junior researcher; 2. innovative content; 3. scientific or societal relevance.
  • A maximum of 10-15 projects will be selected by the Grant Review Committee for submission of a full proposal.
  • The full proposals will be assessed by the RIHS Grant Review Committee for 1. suitability of the project for a junior researcher; 2. innovative content; 3. scientific quality; 4. preliminary results; 5. scientific or societal relevance; 6. collaboration.
  • An opportunity for a concise rebuttal to the review will be provided.
  • The Grant Review Committee will come to an advice based on the review and the rebuttal.
  • The Committee’s advice will be handed to the scientific director for prioritization and final decision.

Time line

Submission of pre-proposals (*) 17 May 2019
Decision pre-proposals to applicant 13 June 2019
Submission of full proposals (*) 12 July 2019, 11h
Pre-advice to applicant  2 September 2019
Rebuttal by applicant (*) 13 September 2019, 11h
Final decision to applicant End of September 2019
(*) all submissions to rihs@radboudumc.nl

More information click here

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