People Jeroen de Baaij


dr. Jeroen de Baaij

About Jeroen de Baaij

My mission is to decipher the pathophysiological mechanisms of magnesium (Mg2+) disorders. By identification of genes involved in hereditary hypomagnesemia, I aim to increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of Mg2+ reabsorption in the kidney. My team, embedded in the department of Physiology of Radboudumc, currently consists of 7 PhD students and 1 postdoctoral researcher. My research is supported by several prestigious personal grants from Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (Rubicon / Veni), the Dutch Kidney Foundation (Kolff Startup / Kolff Junior) and the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation.

In collaboration with the European Reference Network for Rare Renal Disorders (ERKNet) and with the support of partners from Paris, Münster and London (Dr. Vargas Poussou, Dr. Schlingmann, Dr. Bockenhauer), we have identified novel genes that cause hypomagnesemia (CNNM2, PCBD1, RRAGD). Recently, my group demonstrated that RRAGD mutations cause hypomagnesemia and dilated cardiomyopathy. Thereby, my group has contributed to improved diagnostics of patients with kidney diseases and provided novel insights in the physiology of Mg2+ reabsorption.

The fundamental insights of Mg2+ reabsorption from these rare renal disorders can be applied to common magnesium deficiencies. My team has demonstrated that hypomagnesemia is common in type 2 diabetes mellitus and contributes to insulin resistance. In particular, disturbed lipid metabolism may contribute to hypomagnesemia in type 2 diabetes (Kurstjens et al. Diabetogia 2008, 2009). Moreover, we demonstrated that magnesium prevents vascular calcification in cell and animal models of chronic kidney disease. (Ter Braake et al.  Nephrol Dialysis Transplant 2020, Kidney Int. 2020). These findings have resulted a large consortium that is currently performing clinical trials using magnesium supplements to treat these diseases, in which my group is actively involved.

In the last years, I have incorporated the principles of team science in my group. By combining individual expertise, we work towards the common goal of solving the pathophysiology of renal tubulopathies. Our findings not only resulted in publications and improved diagnostics, but also stimulated the individual development of early career researchers. Indeed, PhD graduates from my team have now successful careers in science, medicine and industry. My contributions to supervision were recently awarded by a nomination as supervisor of the year at my host institute.


  • associate professor

Personal prizes & awards

  • 2017 - NWO Veni
  • 2017 - Nierstichting Kolff Subisidie
  • 2017 - Diabetes Fonds Junior Subsidie
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Personal prizes & awards

  • 2017 - NWO Veni
  • 2017 - Nierstichting Kolff Subisidie
  • 2017 - Diabetes Fonds Junior Subsidie
  • 2015 - NWO Rubicon
  • 2015 - Beste Proefschrift Prijzen RIMLS, NFN, NVF
  • 2014 - Nierstichting Kolff subisidie

Additional Functions

  • Board Member Dutch Physiological Society
  • Organisation Committee Dutch Kidney Foundation Winterschool

Social media

Research position

  • associate professor

Department Medical BioSciences

Medical BioSciences is one of our three science departments. This department focuses on basic and translational research in the medical biosciences, from molecules to humans, to better understand disease and health and improve diagnostics and treatment.

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