
dr. Martine Hoogman

About Martine Hoogman

I have a master in clinical neuropsychology (University of Amsterdam) and I obtained my PhD after studying adult ADHD on multiple levels: cognition, brain functioning and genetics (2013, Radboud University Nijmegen). Currently, I am appointed as assistant professor (tenure track) at the Radboudumc, department of Psychiatry and the department of Cognitive Neuroscience. My research group is dedicated to studying strengths, positive aspects and resilience factors associated with neurodevelopmental conditions.

One of my core tasks is leading the worldwide largest collaboration for research of the neural substrates of ADHD, the ENIGMA-ADHD Working Group with currently 41 participating sites and more than 120 researchers, including all leading experts in the field. I also lead IMpACT-NL, which is part of the international IMpACT Consortium aimed at studying all aspects of adult ADHD, an under-studied patient group. Recently, we got funded for a new initiative ADHDplaza, a science communication project which has the aim to connect adolescents with science about ADHD. I am also the chair of an early career international network for ADHD researchers (IMpACTnextgen) and I have established memberships of many international collaborations. In my work I closely work together with the Dutch organisation for people with ADHD, for which we received an Open Science Award in 2022. I was also awarded with the prestigious Dutch Veni (2018) and Vidi (2022) grants from the Netherlands Scientific Organisation (NWO) to study creativity and other strengths in ADHD. I have won several prizes: the ‘Eunethydis Early Career Award’ (2016), the ‘Rising star award’ by the European College of Neuropsychoharmacology, ECNP (2020) and the ‘Early Career award’ from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, KNAW (2021).


  • assistant professor in talent track Psychiatrie

Personal prizes & awards

  • NWO Vidi grant 2022 (800k)
  • Open Science Award NL 2022
  • NWO Veni grant (250k), 2018
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Personal prizes & awards

  • NWO Vidi grant 2022 (800k)
  • Open Science Award NL 2022
  • NWO Veni grant (250k), 2018
  • Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Early Career Award 2021
  • Rising Star award of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) 2020
  • Early Career Award, Eunethydis 2016

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Research position

  • (junior) principal investigator