
prof. dr. Saskia de Wildt
BIG-number: 69045612201


  • hoogleraar Klinische Farmacologie, kinderarts-intensivist

Personal prizes & awards

  • 2017: KNAW/Royal Dutch Academy of Science Ter Meulen Fund Grant for PhD student B. van Groen
  • 2017: ASCPT Presidential Trainee Award for PhD student B. van Groen
  • 2015: Dutch Pediatric Society Young Investigator Award for PhD student A. Zwiers
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Personal prizes & awards

  • 2017: KNAW/Royal Dutch Academy of Science Ter Meulen Fund Grant for PhD student B. van Groen
  • 2017: ASCPT Presidential Trainee Award for PhD student B. van Groen
  • 2015: Dutch Pediatric Society Young Investigator Award for PhD student A. Zwiers
  • 2015: Dutch Pediatric Society Late-breaker award for PhD student M. Mooij
  • 2012: Dutch Pediatric Society Late-breaker award for PhD student M. Mooij
  • 2012: ASCPT Presidential Trainee Award for PhD student N. Vet
  • 2010: ZonMW Clinical Fellowship2009 Erasmus MC MRace Clinical Fellowship
  • 2009: Poster Award Dutch Society of Intensive Care (NVIC) (last author), Ede
  • 2009: ASCPT Top Membership Recruiter 2008
  • 2007: Best Presentation Award, Research Day, Clinical Pharmacology, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
  • 2003: Poster Award, American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Orlando
  • 1992 – 2007: 9 travel awards for international research visits and conferences: Dutch Scientific Organization (NWO), Sophia Foundation for Scientific Research ...
  • ... SWOL University Fund Limburg, Roche, Canadian Society for Clinical Pharmacology, Trust Fund Erasmus University

Additional Functions

  • 2017-present: Chair Scientific Advisory Board Charity Kiddy Goodpills
  • 2017-present: Vice-Chair ASCPT International Transporter Committee
  • 2016-present Board Member Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics
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Additional Functions

  • 2017-present: Chair Scientific Advisory Board Charity Kiddy Goodpills
  • 2017-present: Vice-Chair ASCPT International Transporter Committee
  • 2016-present Board Member Dutch Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics
  • 2015-present Director Dutch Knowledge Center Pharmacotherapy for Children (responsible for Dutch Pediatric Formulary)
  • 2014-present Scientific Advisory Board SwissPedNed Swiss Pediatric Clinical Trial Network
  • 2012-present PEDMED-NL representative to Enpr-EMA: The European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency

Social media

Department Pharmacology and Toxicology

This department wants to improve the efficacy and safety of drugs including drug overdoses and intoxications. We investigate the complete spectrum from the molecular to the clinical level. read more