On Tuesday 19 February 2019 the 'RIHS Koek & Zopie' ceremony took place. During this event RIHS awardees accepted their awards for the best PhD thesis, the research product with the highest impact on society, and the best peer-reviewed publication, for both 2017 and 2018. This year we added the Award for RIHS Supervisor of the year.
Nominated theses 2017: Jonne Doorduin, Kirsten van Nimwegen, Maarten de Rooij and Elise Smolders. These nominations were judged by the jury, consisting of Prof. Marijn de Bruin, Prof. Bart-Jan Kullberg and Dr Maroeska te Loo.
Nominated theses 2018: Coen Bongers, Stein Schalkwijk, William Stone, Annelies Wassenaar, Jan-Willem Weenink. These nominations were judged by the jury, consisting of Dr Jeroen van der Laak, Prof. Philip van der Wees and Prof. Saskia de Wildt.
The winner of the PhD Award 2017 is Jonne Doorduin, with his thesis entitled ‘Diaphragm dysfunction in critically ill patients - from monitoring to interventions’.
The winner of the PhD Award 2018 is Stein Schalkwijk, with his thesis entitled ‘Quantitative antiretroviral clinical pharmacology in pregnancy - delivering more’.
2. The RIHS Societal Impact Award 2018 for the RIHS research product with the highest impact on society in 2018. Nominated:
- Rosa Geurtzen; A nationwide, evidence-based framework to support prenatal counseling in extreme prematurity. It contains recommendations and tools for personalization, in the domains of organization, decision-making, content and style of prenatal counseling.
- Rob Baltussen; The Citizen panel on making choices in healthcare.
- Marjo Maas; PhD thesis ‘Say what you think, Show what you do: Feedback interventions to support self-regulated quality improvement in physical therapy’
The winner of the RIHS Societal Impact Award 2018 is the “Citizen panel on making choices in healthcare” of initiator Rob Baltussen. Other involved RIHS researchers are Leon Bijlmakers, Maarten Jansen, Marcia Tummers and Stef Groenewoud.
3. The RIHS Science Award 2017 and the RIHS Science Award 2018 for the best peer-reviewed publication in 2017 and 2018, respectively. These nominated papers were judged by the jury, consisting of Prof. Bart Kiemeney and Dr Marieke de Visser.
The winner of the RIHS Science Award 2017 is is the Circulation publication by Vincent Aengevaeren and colleagues, entitled ‘Relationship between lifelong exercise volume and coronary atherosclerosis in athletes’.
The winner of the RIHS Science Award 2018 is the Bone Joint Research publication by Florieke Eggermont and colleagues, entitled ‘Can patient-specific finite element models better predict fractures in metastatic bone disease than experienced clinicians’.
4. RIHS Supervisor of the year 2018.
Nominated: David Burger, Ewald Bronkhorst, Els van den Ende, Thijs Eijsvogels, Joanne de Hullu, Jeroen van der Laak, Jenneken Naaldenberg, Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, Marieke Perry, Hannie Pijnenborg, Maroeska Rovers, Marieke Seyger.
All nominations were reviewed by the dean Prof. Paul Smits and Prof. Bart Kiemeney.
The winner of the RIHS Supervisor of the year 2018 is Joanne de Hullu.
One of her qualifications mentioned: 'Joanne knows how to bring out the best in everyone'.
The award winners will receive €750. The prize money should be spent on work-related matters (e.g., BBQ for the research group, course, travel grant, congress fee).
Detailed information about the awards and the procedures can be found on our website.
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