Twenty-six young researchers, including four from the Radboudumc, in the field of pediatrics and related fields can go abroad for a scientific research project/work visit in the coming year with a KNAW Ter Meulen grant.
Ter Meulen grants are between €4,000 and €25,000, for a work visit abroad of a few months to a scientific research project abroad of 12 months. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, the Medical Sciences Fund was not open for applications in 2020. In 2021, therefore, both the 2020 and 2021 Ter Meulen grants budgets were made available, totaling €416,000.
Rosa Geurtzen
Pediatrician and researcher
What really matters to parents... the concept of deciding together: what does 'values clarification' with parents of unborn and young children entail?
Isabel Hageman
PhD candidate, physician-researcher
Comparison of characteristics, management and etiology of anorectal malformations between Europe and Australia and New Zealand: same problem, different location?
Jitske Jansen
Postdoctoral researcher
Multiphoton ablation for the development of human vascularized renal organoids
Dmitrijs Rots
PhD candidate, Physician-investigator
Role of abnormalities in COMPASS complex in genetic developmental disorders.
For more information visit the KNAW page.
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