Submit CMO review form

Use inlog details obtained by the initiation of the sub biobank (dossier number and dossier code)
Upload CMO review form with letter of application (NB: you will not receive a confirmation that this has been successful).

Await approval
Send request
Source us


Apply for use of biomaterial/data

Biomaterial and associated clinical data from the Radboud Biobank are available to serious researchers with a relevant hypothesis and a good research plan. The research should directly or indirectly contribute to medical innovation.


First of all, you should check our catalogue for availability of biomaterial before, go to catalogue

External applicants

External applicants or those requesting samples collected by a colleague need to set up a collaboration with the Radboudumc researcher who collected the samples.

Want an introduction?

Peggy Manders
Contact us

+31 (0)24 366 8977
contact form



Is CMO Radboudumc approval necessary?

The CMO Radboudumc has changed its policy regarding review requirements for biomaterial requested from the Radboud Biobank. It is only necessary to obtain CMO approval for an issuance in certain cases. To ascertain if your request requires CMO approval please visit the CMO-website via the button below (in Dutch - Onderzoek met materiaal uit een bestaande biobank)

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Download documents

Read the background information and fill in the CMO review form

Submit CMO review form

Submit CMO review form with letter of application to CMO Radboudumc

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Request an overview of samples stored

Send a request for an overview of the samples stored in the collection to avoid delay and extra costs in the handling of your application.

send an email

Await approval

Await approval

Await the CMO Radboudumc approval and then contact the Radboud Biobank.

Questions? Contact us

Lovice Sutherland

+31 (0)24 366 89 77
contact form


Send request

Send request form

Send request form for biomaterial to the Radboud Biobank and when applicable attach the CMO Radboudumc approval

download form

Questions? Contact us

Lovice Sutherland

+31 (0)24 366 89 77
contact form


Need a transfer agreement for external partners?

Download the material and data transfer agreement

Source us

Source Radboud Biobank

Please mention the Radboud Biobank as source in your publication.

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