About the student advisor Biomedical Sciences
The student advisor can offer information, advice and help or can make a referral is necessary. read moreAbout the student advisor Biomedical Sciences
The student advisor offers information on
- content and set-up of the program
- the conditional loan (prestatiebeurs)
- the binding recommendation (bindend studieadvies)
- other study possibilities, if students want to change programs
- additional study opportunities, for example the free choice component
- study approach, both planning and methodology
- exam regulations: for example, adapting a plan to individual circumstances
- adjustments to the program in case of special situations (disability, illness etc.)
Help or make a referral
- problems studying due to an array of reasons (difficulties at home, motivation crisis, time constraints)
- problems due to the study problem like doubt of its suitability, poor results or work overload
- critical of the study program, exam regulations, lecturers, organization, and such.
First-year students are invited for a chat when there is a delay in study progress and a negative binding recommendation is in the cards. Students of other years are also invited for a chat when the results seem to give rise to this and when the study approach may need to be adjusted.
Student advisors can answer questions and explain requests to the examination board during their meeting, for example the requests for a special retake of an exam due to personal reasons. Student advisors can also explain the individual situation in the meeting of the commission determining the binding recommendation.
Useful links (in Dutch)
Student advisor Bachelor's and Master's

Student counselor Radboud University
The student advisor can refer you to a student counselor of Radboud University. read moreStudent counselor Radboud University
The student counselors can answer practical questions as well as questions of a personal nature.Appointment
For an appointment with one of the student counselors, you can contact the Central Student Desk at Radboud University.Central Student Desk
Telephone: +31 (0)24 361 23 45Email: balie@dsz.ru.nl
Visiting address: Comeniuslaan 4, Nijmegen
Telephone consults of student counselors: Monday to Friday 9.00-10.00 hrs and 16.00-17.00 hrs