About the student advisor Biomedical Sciences
The student advisor can offer information, advice and help or can make a referral is necessary. read moreUseful links (in Dutch)
Student advisor Bachelor's and Master's

Student counselor Radboud University
The student advisor can refer you to a student counselor of Radboud University. read moreStudent counselor Radboud University
The student counselors can answer practical questions as well as questions of a personal nature.Appointment
For an appointment with one of the student counselors, you can contact the Central Student Desk at Radboud University.Central Student Desk
Telephone: +31 (0)24 361 23 45Email: balie@dsz.ru.nl
Visiting address: Comeniuslaan 4, Nijmegen
Telephone consults of student counselors: Monday to Friday 9.00-10.00 hrs and 16.00-17.00 hrs