Keeping on track

Important questions

  • Is your PhD progressing as you had expected?
  • How would you assess the interaction and communication between yourself and your (co)supervisor(s)?

In light of these two questions, the following example points may be raised

  • Reflection on expectations from the PhD project and from the supervisor(s)
  • Reflection on end-of-year assessment [jaargesprek] with supervisor
  • Reflection on personal ambition & interests
  • Combination work and personal life
  • Future career plans
  • Reflection on achievements in last year
  • Reflection on personal strengths and weaknesses (knowledge gaps, specific interests)
  • Elective courses and workshops followed to date. Outcome & relevance e.g. in the light of improving weaknesses, technical expertise, future plans etc
  • Reflection on Timeline for writing thesis: thesis chapter ideas > chapter titles > start writing.
  • Foreseen difficulties

These topics can be discussed during the annual checkpoint meetings that are planned in Hora Finita.

Keeping on track
Useful information for current PhD candidates
Training and supervision
Hora Finita
Courses for competencies
Scientific integrity
PhD mentor
Other phases
for starting your PhD
for completing your PhD

Keeping on track

Useful information for current PhD candidates

Training and supervision

Keeping on track

You have probably realized that time passes surprisingly quickly when doing your PhD. We recommend that you think about your progress and objectives for the coming year. This will help you keep on track.

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Scientific Integrity: guidelines for publication and authorship

The 'Guidelines for publication and authorship' set the standard for the eligibility for authorship, and determine which order of authorship is the most appropriate. In his/her department, the head of department is responsible for creating a climate in which authorship and order of authorship comply with the basic principles of these guidelines.

See the full text of the document here.

Please pay attention to the fact that you cannot be member of a Doctoral Thesis Committee if you are co-author of an article that is part of the thesis of this PhD candidate

Hora Finita

Overview PhD trajectories

The Radboudumc Graduate School and Donders Graduate School have slightly different trajectories and procedures.

FAQ about Hora Finita

If you have any questions about Hora Finita, please check out the answers to frequently asked questions before contacting us.

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FAQ about Hora Finita

For additional questions about Hora Finita, please contact Hora Finita or your Graduate School (Radboudumc Graduate School or Donders Graduate School).

This FAQ is divided into the topics 'General', 'PhD Checklist', 'Checkpoints', 'Training activities (portfolio)' and 'Manuscript'.

Courses for competencies

Core competencies for PhD candidates and postdocs

Radboudumc has defined a set of core competencies for PhD and postdoc candidates as a guideline for professional career development.

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Core competencies for PhD candidates and postdocs

During their training, PhD and postdoc candidates are expected to become independent researchers skilled in (financial) project management, policy/decision making and management. These types of transferable skills stand candidates in good stead not just for an academic career but also for the professional job market beyond the university setting. 

Self-assessment tool

Collectively the university medical centres designed a competence model as a self-assessment tool to help you further develop yourself, and to recognize acquired competences.

PhD Compentence Model: Link

Types of core competencies

  • Research skills and knowledge
  • Responsible conduct of science
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Professional development
  • Leadership and management
  • Communication
  • Teaching
  • Radboud specific

For each type of compencies we offer a number of courses if you feel that you use some extra training to enhance these skills.

PhD courses

Courses for competenties and transferable skills.

see page

Scientific integrity

Scientific integrity

We believe that scientific integrity is the backbone of research.

see page

Contact persons

Radboudumc has appointed three experienced scientists, as contact persons in the case of suspicion of scientific misconduct or related matters.

PhD mentor

PhD mentor a quick guide

The mentor is appointed at Radboudumc, has ample experience in PhD supervision and is an assistant, associate or full professor or a medical specialist with research experience. The mentor should not work in the same department as the PhD candidate and the supervisors and is not involved in the PhD project.

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PhD mentor a quick guide

The mentor will support and guide you as well as stimulate you to critically look at and reflect upon your learning objectives and outcomes. In the context of your personal and scientific development, your mentor should discuss career progress with regard to your specific goals (research and education), ambitions and interests. Your mentor can advise you regarding your choices for elective subjects and where necessary offer feedback on research project results, conclusions and ideas. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

Also see institute specific information in the time line.

Specific for PhD candidates of the Radboudumc Graduate School

Tasks of the mentor

  1. Read the Training and Supervision Plan (TSP) at the start of the project, and comment on it if necessary at the first meeting between the candidate and the mentor.
  2. Have a meeting with the PhD candidate once a year to discuss the progress of the project, both in terms of scientific output, as well as training (competences and skills).
  3. Be available throughout the year for independent advice.

Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

Guidelines for PhD mentor meetings

Every year, the PhD candidate needs to arrange a progress meeting with his/her mentor. Progress and scientific output are discussed. The attendance of the PhD training program components will also be assessed.

Although the content of the meetings will depend on the candidate's needs, several subjects need to be discussed in the meetings. This will help the PhD candidate to make the right choices in his/her individual program.

Important questions during mentor meeting

  1. Is your PhD progressing as you had expected?
  2. How would you assess the interaction and communication between yourself and your (co)supervisor(s)?

In light of these two questions, the following example points may be raised

  • Reflection on expectations from the PhD project and from the supervisor(s)
  • Reflection on end-of-year assessment [jaargesprek] with supervisor
  • Reflection on personal ambition & interests
    • Combination work and personal life
    • Future career plans
  • Reflection on achievements in last year
  • Reflection on personal strengths and weaknesses (knowledge gaps, specific interests)
    • Elective courses and workshops followed to date. Outcome & relevance e.g. in the light of improving weaknesses, technical expertise, future plans etc
  • Reflection on Timeline for writing thesis: thesis chapter ideas > chapter titles > start writing.
  • Foreseen difficulties